
This is Don Paul and Anneli Barrios. We are former students of Grady and Yvonne O’Brien Class of 2022 in Charlotte NC. Prior to meeting the O’Brien’s, we were “typical” believers, having accepted the Lord as our Savior, but not truly understanding much else. We lived a life of “reactivity,” allowing the cares and woes of this world to adversely impact us at every turn. This also significantly affected our marriage / relationship as we were constantly at odds, stressed out, worried, anxious, etc., etc., etc, When we met the O’Briens everything changed drastically and very quickly. Under their teaching, guidance, and unconditional love, we learned who we truly are in Christ, solidifying our true identity, once and for all. This has enabled the following:

1.Don Paul’s was diagnosed with a  cancerous tumor. We shared the news with Grady and Yvonne, they prayed and the tumor  entirely disappeared prior to any cancer treatments even beginning.

The doctors at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, were not able to locate the huge tumor.

Soon after Anneli’s elderly father was also miraculously healed and able to be up and walking, after being bed-ridden for years. This also occurred after Yvonne and Grady prayed over him.

2. We learned to walk in the power that exists inside of all believers, being able to live day-to-day from a position of victory and authority rather than fear, defeat, and lack (which is how we were in our prior life, before meeting the O’Brien’s).  We learned how a 3-braided chord actually works, which has transformed our marriage entirely.

Also due to Yvonne and Grady’s teachings, extremely harmful and negative feelings such as fear and anger no longer dominate or control us at all. We have true freedom, living in this freedom day in and day out, regardless of what is happening around us.

3. Anneli was able to start a whole new career as a forensic examiner, which she never pursued due to her fears, as that line of work is highly litigious and very contentious. When Anneli overcame her fears she begin taking on forensic cases, she has won each and every case that she takes on. Don Paul has also been able to start his own powerful ministry, working with families and children who have experienced domestic abuse, in addition to children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

None of the above would have occurred without Yvonne and Grady’s ministry and their influence in our lives. For this we are truly thankful.

To God be the Glory